Milkha Singh Slams IOA For India’s Poor Show So Far At Rio 2016 

Former athlete and legend Milkha Singh slams IOA for India’s poor show so far in the Rio Olympics.

Sports Buzz
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Legendary athlete Milkha Singh on Tuesday lashed out at the Indian Olympics Association, holding it responsible for the poor performance of Indian sportspersons at the ongoing Rio Olympics.


Milkha, who had missed a bronze medal by a whisker in the 1960 Rome Olympics, said that the standard of performance of Indian sportspersons has gone down as compared to earlier editions of the Games.

True, we have not been doing well (in Rio). In earlier Olympics, we have done better, winning medals, even gold, silver and bronze. The IOA will have to take responsibility for this.
Milkha Singh, Former Athlete, India 

After three days of action at the Rio Olympics, India has still not won a medal with star shooter Abhinav Bindra missing out on a podium finish by a whisker in men’s 10m air rifle event last night.

Former athlete and legend Milkha Singh slams IOA for India’s poor show so far in the Rio Olympics.
Abhinav Bindra during 10m air rifle finals in Rio Olympics. (Photo: AP)

Milkha said the IOA should call a review meeting after the Olympics to chalk out plans on how the country can do better in the future Games.

IOA should call a meeting, inviting presidents and secretaries of National Sports Federations with representative of sports ministry and plan in which sporting disciplines India can win medals in future Olympics.
Milkha Singh, Former Athlete, India 

Asked about Bindra missing out on a medal after a tense shoot-off, Milkha said, “The pressure did him (Bindra) in. He won the gold in (Beijing) Olympics and he must be aware that the whole of the countrymen were keeping their eyes on him. It can happen under pressure.”

Former athlete and legend Milkha Singh slams IOA for India’s poor show so far in the Rio Olympics.
Dipa Karmakar during her stint in Rio’s Qualification. (Photo: AP)

Referring to Dipa Karmakar’s heroics, Milkha said that Indians were doing well in some sports like gymnastics.

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