Weightlifting C’ship: Chanu Wins India’s First Gold in 20 Years 

Chanu has set a new national record in the women’s 48kg category.

Olympic Sports
1 min read
Hindi Female

Mirabai Chanu, on 30 November, became the first Indian in over two decades to claim a gold medal at the World Weightlifting Championship in Anaheim, USA, exorcising the ghosts of her forgettable outing at the Rio Olympics.

Chanu, who is employed with the Indian Railways, lifted 85kg in snatch and 109kg in clean and jerk to total an impressive 194kg in the women’s 48kg, in the process setting a new national record.

Seeing the tricolour from the podium, tears of joy rolled down her cheeks, as Chanu picked up a rare honour for an Indian at the marquee event.

Olympic bronze medallist Karnam Malleshwari had won the top prize in worlds twice – in 1994 and 1995.


Chanu had a disappointing campaign at the Rio Olympics last year as she could not get an overall total in women's 48kg after failing to lift the weight in any of her three attempts in clean & jerk section.

In a field of 12 lifters at the Rio Games, she was one of two lifters who did not finish (DNF) her event.

Thailand's Sukcharoen Thunya won the silver medal with a total lift of 193, while Segura Ana Iris bagged the brozne with 182kg.

Some of the world's top weightlifting nations such as Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Azerbaijan could not take part in the competition due to issues related to doping.

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