Indian Compound Women’s Team Wins Hat-Trick of Gold Medals at Archery World Cup

The trio of Jyothi Surekha Vennam, Aditi Swami, and Parneet Kaur emerged victorious against sixth-ranked Estonia.

1 min read
Hindi Female

Top-ranked Indian compound women's team clinched the gold medal at the Archery World Cup Stage-3 on Saturday.

The formidable trio of Jyothi Surekha Vennam, Aditi Swami, and Parneet Kaur emerged victorious against sixth-ranked Estonia in a tightly contested final, triumphing 232-229. This victory marks a historic hat-trick of gold medals for the Indian team in the 2024 Archery World Cup series, having previously secured top honours in the stages held in Shanghai and Yecheon earlier this year.

At Stage 3 in Antalya, the Indian women's team began their campaign with a first-round bye in a field of just 10 countries. They then showcased their skill and determination by defeating El Salvador 235-227 and the host nation, Turkey, 234-227, to secure their place in the final.


Against Estonia, the Indian archers maintained their composure and accuracy, sealing their third consecutive gold medal. In contrast, the top-ranked Indian men's compound team, comprising Priyansh, Abhishek Verma, and Prathamesh Fuge, faced a more challenging journey.

They narrowly missed out on a place in the final after a dramatic semifinal shoot-off against Turkey. Both teams were tied at 236, but Turkey edged out India by shooting closer to the center in the shoot-off (30*-30).

Despite the setback, the Indian men's team put up a valiant fight in the bronze medal match against France. In a closely fought contest, India fell short by a single point, losing 236-235, and finishing fourth in the tournament.

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