Q1. Based on the Latin phrase “Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium”, this is often called the greatest safeguard to fundamental rights, and a right to all other rights. Dr. Ambedkar called this "the heart and soul" of the Constitution of India. What are we talking about?
Q2. Due to the large number of amendments brought to the Indian Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act, it has also been referred to as ‘Mini Constitution’. Who was the Prime Minister of India at the time?
Q3. In which of these forms was the original version of the Indian Constitution published?
Q4. Who were the first and last people to sign the Constitution of India?
Q5. The Indian Constitution borrows many of its tenets from the constitutions of other countries. Which of these countries does India's Constitution NOT borrow from?
Q6. The Preamble to India's Constitution starts with ‘We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved...'. The constitution of South Korea begins with 'We, the people of Korea, proud of a resplendent...' The constitutions of Bangladesh, Zambia, and many other countries, also begin with ‘We, the people’.
This common beginning is borrowed from the preamble of the constitution of which country?
Q7. Home to the original copies of the Indian Constitution, ____ was established in 1921 to "assist members of the Indian Legislature". After India became a Republic in 1950, efforts were intensified to expand it through increased purchases and soon after, it became the largest of its kind in Delhi and the second largest of its kind in India. What are we talking about?
Q8. The Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950, replacing the previous law of the land enacted under British rule. Which Act did it replace?
Q9. Dubbed the Father of the Indian Constitution, X was born in India and graduated from Elphinstone High School, Bombay. He would then go on to study in New York City and London. Who is X?
Q10. The Preamble to the Constitution was amended in 1976. Which of the following changes did it introduce?
Q11. ____ is a 2019 movie starring X and directed by Y, and its title refers to an element of the Constitution.
X plays a police officer investigating the disappearance of three girls. While trying to do his job, X witnesses caste discrimination in various forms, and discovers that there may be more to the crime than is readily apparent. Name the movie, and identify X and Y.
Q12. In the USA, a person can become President for a maximum of two terms. In India, how many times can a person be elected President?
Q13. Which country has the world's longest written constitution?
Q14. When did women get the right to vote in India?
Q15. If there are any challenges or issues with the Constitution, which body can a citizen approach? In simple terms, who is the final authority on the interpretation of the Constitution of India?
Q16. How many articles did the Constitution of India have when it came into effect in 1950?
Q17. ____ was an Indian revolutionary and radical activist, who is said to have been the first to make the demand for a Constituent Assembly, in 1934. A year later, the Indian National Congress made this an official demand of the party.
Q18. The 105th Constitutional Amendment Act is the latest amendment to the Constitution. It restored the power of state governments to do what?
Q19. When was the Constitution of India signed?
Q20. Article 1 of the Constitution begins with the line: ___________, shall be a Union of States. This is the only provision in the Constitution on what the country can be called for official and unofficial purposes.
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Impressive! You seem to know quite a lot about the Indian Constitution. If you want to read more interesting stories on the topic though, head over to the entire collection of The Quint’s ‘Know Your Constitution’ series by clicking here.
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Wow, you were so close to a perfect score! You clearly know a lot about the Indian Constitution. But, there are always more interesting things to find out about it, right? That’s why we recommend that you head over to the entire collection of The Quint’s ‘Know Your Constitution’ series by clicking here.
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The perfect score! Congratulations, your knowledge about the Constitution is enviable! But, there are always more interesting things to find out about it, right? That’s why we recommend that you head over to the entire collection of The Quint’s ‘Know Your Constitution’ series by clicking here.
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