SBI Head Arundhati Bhattacharya is ‘Here to Stay’

After talk about Bhattacharya leaving SBI for Sebi, she says she will stay on. 

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Amid rumours of her name doing rounds for the top job at markets watchdog Sebi, State Bank chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya on Thursday made it clear that she will continue to head the country’s largest bank.

“Don’t worry, I am here to stay,” Bhattacharya told reporters when asked whether the result announcement would be last as the head of the bank.

There are media reports that Bhattacharya, who is a first woman chairperson of SBI in its over 200 years of history, is among the front-runners for the post of Sebi chairman. Tthe current chairman UK Sinha’s tenure ends on 17 February.

Reportedly, Bhattacharya was the only candidate who was invited for the interview. Others said to be in the race included ex-FMC head Ramesh Abhishek and bureaucrat Thomas Mathew - who is currently at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

However, Abhishek was appointed as next DIPP Secretary on Thursday. The government had initiated a search process to find Sinha’s successor in August last year.

As per reports, the government has shortlisted three names, although there has been no official word on the same as yet.

Sinha, a 1976 batch IAS officer of Bihar cadre, assumed office as the Sebi chairman on 18 February 2011 when the previous UPA government was in power.

While Sinha was initially appointed with a three-year term, he was later given a two-year extension. As per his age, Sinha is eligible for a one-year extension.

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Topics:  SEBI   SBI   Arundhati Bhattacharya 

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