French envoy welcomes first batch of Young Architects and Urban Planners Programme

French envoy welcomes first batch of Young Architects and Urban Planners Programme

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New Delhi, Feb 2 (IANS) French Ambassador Alexandre Ziegler received the first batch of the Young Architects and Urban Planners Programme, launched as part of the ongoing third edition of Bonjour India, that builds on the positive institutional exchanges between India and France over the past few years, a statement said.The Young Architects and Urban Planners Programme offers dedicated training to the private sector in architecture and urban planning. This programme will enable five young architects and urban planners from the alumni network of the School of Planning and Architecture (SPA) of Delhi and CEPT University in Ahmedabad, to undergo theoretical and professional training in renowned French architecture firms, familiarising them with best practices in France.The training, scheduled from February 5 to July 31, 2018, comprises a weeklong institutional initiation upon the batch's arrival in France; a five-month professional integration in five agencies with different specialisations in Paris: ENIA Architects, AREP, RDAI, Agence Goutal and Florence Mercier Paysagiste; and a mid-term weeklong academic workshop organised with students of ENSAPB (National School of Architecture of Paris-Belleville), said a release from the French Embassy here.The selected candidates are Aarti Chanodia, Adityia Vipparti, Ananta Ganjoo, Shramana Mondal and Surya Srinivas Boddu.Commending the programme, Ambassador Alexandre Ziegler said, "The Young Architects and Urban Planners Programme is an excellent illustration of the kind of initiatives we aspire to spearhead with our Indian partners, as it encourages academic and professional economic ties between our two countries in the long run"Reflecting the youth focus of Bonjour India, it will not only be a boost to the Indian government's Skill India scheme, but will also help build a dynamic network of professionals sharing common architectural standards and practices that could usefully contribute to sustainable urban planning under the Smart Cities Mission."--IANSrn/bg

(This story was auto-published from a syndicated feed. No part of the story has been edited by The Quint.)

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