Bombay HC gives green signal to Sunburn Klassique EDM in Goa

Bombay HC gives green signal to Sunburn Klassique EDM in Goa

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Panaji, Feb 22 (IANS) A two-day electronic dance music festival Sunburn Klassique will be held in Goa from February 23 as scheduled, ruled the Bombay High Court bench on Friday.
The bench headed by Chief Justice Naresh Patil, allowed the main organiser of the event, Percept Live, "to retain the right" to challenge dues amounting to nearly Rs 2 crore, which the parent company owes to the state government in the form of fees and taxes.
The order follows a petition filed by Trajano D'Mello, who had demanded that the parent company organising Sunburn Klassique, should pay back dues to the state government, before hosting the EDM event in Goa.
The Court on February 20, had directed the Chief Secretary and the state Tourism department to spell out the exact dues and fees owed by the organisers of the EDM event to various government agencies.
After the state advocate general Dattaprasad Lawande on Friday, told the division bench of Chief Justice Patil and Justice Mahesh Sonak, that Percept Live owed state government agencies' Rs 2 crore in dues to the commercial tax, entertainment tax and police department for the hosting of the EDM event in 2013-2015, lawyers for Percept Live said that the amount is being challenged by the event management firm in three appellate forums.
The Court subsequently granted permission to Sunburn Klassique, while allowing the promoters of the event to retain the right to challenge the government dues and fees in appropriate forums.

(This story was auto-published from a syndicated feed. No part of the story has been edited by The Quint.)

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