Navya Naveli Nanda: 'Everyone Should Have Knowledge of Their Basic Human Rights'

Navya Naveli Nanda talks about her work in social impact, hosting a podcast with her role models and more.

1 min read

Navya Naveli Nanda talks to The Quint about her career so far, working in social impact through initiatives like Project Naveli, her podcast with Jaya Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan Nanda, providing legal aid to women among other things and much more.

"I come from a lot of privilege. For me to be able to do what I did at 21, to wake and say 'I want to start a business' is not something a lot of people get to do."
Navya Naveli Nanda, Entrepreneur

Navya goes on to talk about how people see her and think she's 'too young' to talk about some of the causes she advocates for.

Speaking about the importance of working with legal awareness, Navya says, "Everyone should have knowledge of their legal rights and their basic human rights. We offer free legal services to women."

"Whether it's a sexual harassment case or property rights, we have information free-or-cost. I think financial barriers are a big reason as to why women especially don't take cases forward. We try to remove that barrier."
Navya Naveli Nanda, Entrepreneur

Navya further talks about her plan for the next five years. 

Watch the video for more.

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