Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Tops India’s Higher Education Rankings Again

For the fourth year running, it has been named the top institution in India in these rankings.

2 min read

In a significant achievement, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has once again secured the top position in India according to the 2024 Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings. The university also stands  among THE’s top 100 educational institutions worldwide.

The 2024 rankings, which assessed 2,152 higher education institutions from 125 countries and regions, focus on universities' contributions to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their dedication to sustainability in key areas such as research, stewardship, outreach, and teaching.

The results were announced during THE’s Global Sustainable Development Congress held in Bangkok from June 10 to 13, 2024. Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Provost for Strategic Initiatives, Research & Innovation at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, was among the distinguished speakers, emphasizing the university's leadership and vision in driving sustainable development and innovation. "This recognition is a testament to the vision of our Chancellor, Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi, and the tireless efforts of our students and staff," she said. "Our consistent recognition reflects the academic excellence, outstanding faculty, and world-class infrastructure that our university is known for."

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has also excelled in various Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) categories, including:

SDG 4 (Quality Education) – Rank 3

SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) – Rank 7

SDG 5 (Gender Equality) – Rank 22

SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) – Rank 62

SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) – Rank 87

SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) – Rank 87

SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) – Rank 301 to 400

To add to this, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham also received the Times Higher Education (THE) Asia Award 2024 for Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Leadership, underscoring the university's pioneering Live-in-Labs® program. This initiative immerses students in rural India to develop sustainable solutions for community challenges, impacting over 1 million beneficiaries across 25 states since 2013.

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