Couture Diplomacy? BRICS Leaders Rock Modi Jackets 

While many are calling it ‘jacket diplomacy’, others are terming it as a fashion faux pas.

The Quint
(From left) South African President Jacob Zuma, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Prime Minster Narendra Modi, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Brazilian President Michel Temer. (Photo: PTI)
(From left) South African President Jacob Zuma, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Prime Minster Narendra Modi, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Brazilian President Michel Temer. (Photo: PTI)


Imitation is the best form of flattery, they say. Well, the gesture shown by BRICS leader on the eve of the summit perhaps speaks volume about the impact Prime Minister Narendra Modi has had on his BRICS counterparts.

From Xinping to Putin, all the BRICS leader sported the now-famous Modi jackets when they met on the eve of summit.

Is this ‘jacket diplomacy’ at work? Or a global-scale fashion faux pas?

Video Editor: Purnendu Pritam

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