'Spider-Man: No Food At Home': Netizens React to Costumed Man Making Rotis

A viral video from Jaipur featuring a man dressed as Spider-Man, has sparked a meme-fest on social media.

Quint NEON
Social Buzz
<div class="paragraphs"><p>'Spider-Man: No Food At Home': Netizens React to Costumed Man Making Rotis</p></div>

'Spider-Man: No Food At Home': Netizens React to Costumed Man Making Rotis

(Photo Courtesy: Instagram/@jaipur_ka_spiderman)


A viral video from Jaipur featuring a man dressed as Spider-Man, has sparked a meme-fest on social media. The clip, shared by @jaipur_ka_spiderman, features the person making chapatis using a rolling pin and cooking it on a chulah on his terrace.

Ever since the reel was posted, it has clocked over 17 million views. Several people took to the comments to share their witty remarks on the situation.

Have a look at it here:

One of the users wrote, "Spider-Man: no food at home." "Spider-Man: No kitchen at home," wrote another on Instagram.

Have a look at some other reactions here:

(Photo Courtesy: Instagram/@jaipur_ka_spiderman)

(Photo Courtesy: Instagram/@jaipur_ka_spiderman)

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