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People are ‘Biden’ Farewell to Obama’s White House Run with Memes

The world has found solace in these trying times in Joe Biden.

Akriti Paracer
Social Buzz
Obama and Biden. (Photo: <b>The Quint</b>/Akriti Paracer)
Obama and Biden. (Photo: The Quint/Akriti Paracer)


In an emotional farewell speech, outgoing US President Barack Obama said he gained “a brother” in Vice President Joe Biden during his eight years in office.

Earlier in November 2016, when the US election result came as a shock to many and as people cope, many had found their solace in none other than – Biden. Memes of Biden flooded the internet for days and from the looks of it, he got all his pictures taken for future memes to be made!

Here’s a look at some of best moments between Obama and Biden.


How to Mess With Trump

Possibly any scenario that Donald Trump could be in, there’s a Joe Biden counter meme for it.

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(This story has been updated. It was originally published in November 2016.)

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Published: 16 Nov 2016,04:51 PM IST

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