Have a Bad Hangover? These Quick Yoga Asanas Can Help

Ahead of International Yoga Day on 21 June, FIT shares some yoga poses with you that could help you cure a hangover.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Ahead of International Yoga Day on 21 June, FIT shares some yoga poses with you that could help you cure a hangover.</p></div>

Ahead of International Yoga Day on 21 June, FIT shares some yoga poses with you that could help you cure a hangover.

(Photo: FIT)


Shavasana: Lie down on your back, place your hands by your side, and keep your toes pointed out. Take 10-15 deep breathes and stretch your body. This will help you relax.

(Photo: iStock)

Another effective yoga pose to cure a hangover is the spinal twist. Bring your arms to your shoulder level. Bend your right leg and bring it closer to the left knee, and move it over the left knee. Now, put your left hand on top of the knee and look behind your right shoulder, twisting your spine. Breathe out. Relax. And repeat the same on the other side as well.

(Photo: iStock)

Child's pose: Fold your legs, with the heels pointing outwards, toes inwards. Put your arms down, stretch, and bring your forehead close to the floor. Extend your arms, then put them behind the neck. Breathe 10-15 times. Repeat.

(Photo: iStock)

What can also help recover from a hangover quicker are breathing exercises. Place your right hand on top of your abdomen. Relax your shoulder and breathe properly.

(Photo: iStock)

Experts also say that breathing exercises combined with light cardio can help significantly.

(Photo: iStock)

Along with yoga exercises, don't forget to hydrate properly to get ahead of your hangover.

(Photo: iStock)


Did you know that certain yoga poses can help you recover from a hangover quickly? Yes, you read that right.

According to a 2014 study published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine, yoga doesn't just help alleviate alcohol dependency but also helps cope with the aftermath of too much drinking.

Ahead of International Yoga Day on 21 June, FIT shares some yoga poses with you that could help you cure a hangover.

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